with かぜゆう together


Hello! How are you doing? Me? I'm fine. I've been a high school student since April. High school is hard. But I enjoy every day. My club activity was a badminton club when I was a junior high school student. And my high school has a badmin…


Hello! I am very glad! Because I passed an entrance examination! I was surprised and peace of mide! I'll be an high school student next month. My school's an entrance ceremony is April 7th. おはこんばんちは! いやー…公立受かりました~~ わ…


Hello!! Long time no see! I had an entrance examination this week. First day, we had a test. Science was too difficult to understand. But Japanese was so easy. Second day, we had an interview. I thought I was a miss. An announcement of suc…


Hello! And... Merry Christmas! I like Christmas the best! Look at this picture. ↓ ↓ Do you know these instrument? We call these instrument "Hand Bell". They are very great. I've played it. We put on mittens when we play it. By the way, the…


Hello! Today is November! And... Yesterday is Happy Halloween!! Could you get many sweets? I didn't get any sweets... But...I enjoyed English class in my school! That was a Halloween class! For example,sang a Halloween song,played games an…


Hello! tyhoon is near. My city isn't nain now. But...it's cloudy. I don't want to go to school. I think I'll sad if I'll be able to go there. Anyway,you should be careful! おはこんばんちは! 先週に引き続き、台風が近づいていますね。 先週の…

A school festival

Hello everyone! Today is October! I like halloween♪ But I don't like gousts. By the way, I went to a school festival with my friend. There was a dining room. And there were many menus. I ate taiyaki there. It was so delicious. I'll do to o…

Hello! Did you enjoyed summer vacation? I went to juku allmost every day. I studied hard. I have a test next week! I didn't study today and yesterday... I am stupid← こんにちはー 夏休み、終わっちゃいましたね~… 来週テストあるし… 勉強してな…

夏休み終盤なう・・・( ゚Д゚)

Hello! Do you enjoy summer vacation? I've been to juku. はあ・・・|д゚) 夏休みが終わる・・・ 宿題終わってないんですよね・・・ 夏休み終わったら地獄のテストがあるし・・・ やばい・・・どうしよう(;^ω^) ・・・まあなんとかなるというかなんとかする…

わーい 夏休みだ~~

Hello! I wait the summer vacation! I can't wait. But... I'm sad because I'll go to juku. What a disappointment. It's something like that. Let's enjoy the sommer vacation! こんにちは~ もうすぐ夏休み!! 私はもう部活を引退してしまったのでお…


Hello!! I'm really glad! You know why? Because I finished a test! こんにちは!! ついに・・・テスト(中間)が終わりました!!!( *´艸`) 結果は散々ですけどねwwww ・・・え?聞きたい?((きいてねえ わかりました!! いいましょう!(( 国語……


Hello!! I went to Kyoto,Osaka and Nara. ...Why? Because it's the school trip! I enjoyed that. I want to go again♪ ・・・はい! 修学旅行行ってきました! 5月21~23日の間、京都、大阪、奈良のほうに行っていましたw すごく楽しかったです(●´ω…


Hello!! どうも、風優です(●´ω`●) GWなにもできなかったよ!! 部活の試合でした・・・ 試合はいいんですけどね、なんでGWにやったんでしょうね|д゚) 試合・・・二回戦目でフツーに負けたし・・・(( ところで 皆さんは見に行きましたか? え?何をって・・…


Hello‼ 久しぶりにパソコンに触りました。 前々回ぶりですよww まあ特に話題があるわけでもなく・・・ 何しに来たんだしwwww じゃあ最近の話でも・・・・ 今年の4月、かぜゆうは三年生なりました(^_-)-☆ いよいよ受験生・・・大丈夫か、自分ww 今日…


久しぶりにきましたwwタブレットからです(^з^)-☆ いやあ… なかなかPC使えなくてですね( ̄▽ ̄;)困ったもんです(^q^) もう3月ですねー(~o~)だるいですねー(~o~) tk学校も今年度の授業終わっちゃいましたしφ(..)進級か…まじダルセーニョですね┐('~`;)┌ 小学…


Hello! My name is Kazeyu. Nice to meet you はい、どうもかぜゆうです。 第二のブログ作っちゃいましたww なんとなくというか・・・ あ、こちらのブログはPCの方から更新させていただきます! いつものほうは3DSなんでww こっちも気まぐれに更新していき…